National Pizza Day

In honor of National Pizza Day, here are a couple of recently published stories of mine that contain pizza:

“Aristotle’s Afterthought”, Revolution John

The pizzeria in this story is a thinly-veiled version of this place. To my knowledge this is the second work of short fiction that takes place in this restaurant. The first was a story I read about fifteen years ago in the Cimarron Review. The title and the name of the author escape me, although it was obvious the guy spent some time in Columbia, Missouri.

The baseball game between the Cardinals and Astros in this story actually happened on August 22nd, 1986. Here is the box score, which lays out the remarkable game had by Cards hothead John Tudor.

My first ever attempt at flash. This was a fun one to write. It’s made up of reconstituted parts of a failed novelette that I’m in the process of breaking up into 3-4 smaller stories. 

“Nobody likes cold pizza.” -John Updike, Rabbit at Rest 


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